For me, herbs have not just chemical active agents. They have their own personalities with quite individual characters. This web site was initiated to get in closer contact to medicinal plants and other natural remedies.
I present lots of healing plants, and I tell you, how you can use them and which medicinal effects they have. You can find recipes, herb-ointments and more.

Modern phytotherapy doesn't use the Daisy as a remedial herb, but countryside people love to use the Daisy for a lot of purposes.
A tea made from the leaves of the daisy strengthens the appetite and the metabolism. It stimulates the digestion and can also allay coughs. With its diureting effects daisy tea can help against swollen feet. Externally used the Daisy can help against rashes and wounds.

The bitter taste of the Vermouth makes it a famous bitter-herb against problems of the digestive system.
Wild Mustard

The seeds of the Wild Mustard can be used like the seed of cultivated Mustard. You can use it as a spice. With pulverized seeds you can make a poultice to tease the skin. This is strengthening the blood circulation.
Wild Mustard is also used as the Bach Flower Remedy Mustard.
Warning note:
These remedial herb site do not replace the visit with the physician. Primarily if you take medication you should ask the physician whether the desired remedial herb with the medication gets along.