Flower Essences: Dosage Bottle

Here you find an instruction how to prepare a dosage bottle of flower essences.

Take 4 drops 4 times a day from the drops of the dosage bottle, if you don't have other ideas about the dosage.

You need:

  • Mother-Essence
  • Dosages bottle (10 ml until 50 ml)
  • Mineral water
  • Brandy or vinegar
  • Pipette
  • Small funnel

How to do it

  1. Pour two thirds of mineral water into the dosage bottle.
  2. Add one third of brandy or vinegar into the dosage bottle.
  3. Add two until four drops of mother-essence.
  4. The number of drops is according to the size of the bottle.
  5. Close the bottle.
  6. Label the bottle with content and date.

Collect the stuff you need.

Pour two thirds of mineral water into the dosage bottle.

Add one third of brandy or vinegar into the dosage bottle.

Add two until four drops of mother-essence.

The number of drops is according to the size of the bottle.

Close the bottle.

Label the bottle with content and date.