Mint Balm

mint balm The Mint Balm is a rather hard kind of ointment with a lot of mint oil.

You can apply it on hurting parts of the body.

It helps against:

  • Headache (applied on forehead and temples)
  • Nervous pain
  • Sciatica
  • Lumbago
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Muscle spasms
Applied on breast and back the mint balm can help against a cough.

Never put Mint Balm to the eys because this would sting.


  • 25 ml Oil
  • 3 gr Beeswax
  • 2 gr Woolwax
  • 5 ml essential Mint Oil (= 50 Drops)

How to do it

  1. Prepare the ingredients.
  2. Put oil and wax into a jar.
  3. Put the jar into a pan with water and heat it.
  4. Wait until the wax is molten.
  5. Take the mixture out of the hot water and wait a while.
  6. But the mixture should still be liquid for the next step.
  7. Pour the mint oil into the mixture.
  8. Stir the minty mixture still the mint oil is completely mixed.
  9. Pour the liquid mint balm into a cream jar.
  10. Wait until the mint balm is cold and gets harder.
  11. Close the cream jar and label it with content and acutal date.

Prepare the ingredients.

Put oil and wax into a jar.

Put the jar into a pan with water and heat it.

Wait until the wax is molten.

Take the mixture out of the hot water and wait a while. But the mixture should still be liquid for the next step.

Pour the mint oil into the mixture.

Stir the minty mixture still the mint oil is completely mixed.

Pour the liquid mint balm into a cream jar.

Wait until the mint balm is cold and gets harder.

Close the cream jar and label it with content and acutal date.


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