Also mistletoe is prepared as a cold infusion, because in cold wter the poison of the mistletoe doesn't dissolve.
- 1 teaspoon up to 1 table-spoon of herbs
- 1 cup of cold water
How to do it
- Put the herbs in a cup (or a pot if you want to prepare more than one cup).
- Pour cold water over the herbs.
- Cover the cup, to prevent that essential oils dissolve.
- Let the cold infusion wait overnight or for 8 to 12 hours.
- Pour the infusion through a sieve.
- Heat the tea carefully up to drinking temperature.
- Pour the tea into a cup.
- Drink the tea in small sips.
Examples for herbs that are good for cold infusions. Beware!
Use only good and clean herbs for cold infusions.
This is important, because without heat bacterias couldn't be killed by the heat
like in other ways to prepare a tea.
Put the herbs in a cup (or a pot if you want to prepare more than one cup).
Pour cold water over the herbs.
Cover the cup, to prevent that essential oils dissolve.
Let the cold infusion wait overnight or for 8 to 12 hours.
Pour the infusion through a sieve into a pot.
Heat the tea carefully up to drinking temperature.
Pour the tea into a cup.
Drink the tea in small sips.