Flower Essences: Snowdrop Essence

The Snowdrop symbolizes the beginning of something new.

It can help us to overcome situations that seem hopeless and to finish hopelessness.

In new parts of our life the Snowdrop can fill us with new confidence.

Snowdrop properties

The snowdrop is the first flower of the year, that shows its nice flowers.

Often the blossoming of the snowdrop is a sign, that the winter is transforming to springtime.

Therefore the snowdrop symbolizes hope, the hope that this winter will finish too, that new warmth will enter our live.

The snowdrop is able to melt the snow in its surroundings because it has its own heat. The hope for new warmth is fullfilled by the snowdrop not only by the date when it starts blossoming but also by the heat it produces.

Even when it can stand the strong coldness of the winters end the snowdrop seems innocent who it stands on the ground with its fragile white blossoms. It looks like it's playing there like funny little bells.

Flowering time: January until March

View: Snowdrop

Who can be helped by Snowdrop Essence?

The flower essence of the Snowdrop can help people that:
  • are in new situations
  • lost their hope
  • suffer from the cold in the world
  • are tired and cooled from the long "winter" in their lifes
  • suffer from constant sadness
  • hope to find the end of the dark tunnel

Overcoming the Snowdrop-condition

In the positive snowdrop-state you are happy about and with your new beginning.

You are confident and courageous standing in your new situation and you feel thankful about the new spring that comes.

Pains from clining on old stuff melt down and make place for innocent happiness. Heavy old feelings can be thrown away, to be able to confront the new part of the live full of confidence.

Happy laughing can find a new place in life.