Substances in remedial Herbs

Remedial herbs contain a lot of substances.

There are some kinds of substances, that are found in lots of herbs an lots of special substances, that can be found only in few herbs.

Here you find an overview of frequent substances and how they work.

Essential oil

Essential oils are the smelling substances of a lot of herbs.

The essential oils evaporate into the air without leaving a rest. They work directly to the unconscious and they can free breathing, increase the blood supply and kill bacterias and viruses.

Typical herbs with essential oils: thyme, sage, lavenders, pine

Tannic essence

Tannic essences are found in roots, barks and sometimes in leaves. They work astringent. This helps against ulcers, burns and inflammations. You can gargle with tannic essences against throat inflammations.

Typical herbs with tannic essences: Oak, Calamus, Lady's Mantle, Aloe

Bitter essence

Bitter essences are a group of substances that taste bitter. They help for the digestion. Liver and gallbladder are strengthened.

Typical herbs with bitter essences: Gentian, Yarrow, Agrimony, Angelica


Mucilage is a group of substances that become mucus in combination with water. They help against cough and stomach problems.

Typical herbs with mucilage: Iceland Moss, Meadiwsweet, White Dead Nettle, Mallow, Ass' foot


Glycosids have strong effects on the health of people. Lots of glycosids are poisonous like digitalis, but often very helpful for bad diseases when given from a doctor. But there are also less strong glycosids like salicylic acid in the bark of willows.

Typical herbs with glycosids: Foxglove, Willow, Lily of the Valley


Saponins act like soap. Together with water they build foam. Saponins work diuretic and may force vomiting. They help other substances to reach the cells of the body.

Typical herbs with saponins: Marigold, Tilly, Dead nettle, Soapwort


Flavonoids are yellow colours, that help vitamins to be used by the body. They can also strengthen the heart, bloodcirculation and the liver. Some of them work diuretic, lower the blood pressure or stimulating the gall bladder. So we see, that flavonoids have very different kind of effects.

Typical herbs with flavonoids: Yarrow, Hepatica, Dyer's Chamomile, Marigold, King-cup, Black elder


Alkaloids are very strong substances, that can work in different directions. Some of them are very helpful others are deadly poisonous and some are used for comfort like coffein from the coffee.

Typical herbs with alkaloids: Belladonna, Aconite, Celandine, Clavus